FAQ about Voltrix mopeds

Any more questions please reach out at hello@voltrix.co.
How fast can I go?
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The Flii3 moped has a cruising speed* of up to 50km/h, this is important as it will enable you to keep up with traffic. There is nothing worse than a slow bike holding up traffic - it’s safer for you and better for an efficient flow of traffic.
*cruising speed will depend on the model.

How much power will my moped have?
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Electric engines are measured in Watts. Motor sizes tend to start as low as 1200 Watts (W) and go as high as 3000W. A household lightbulb is around 4W.

The size of the engine and how much power it has is an important factor to consider, if you will travel large distances, or have hills to climb (like in Christchurch, Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin), you will need a moped that has around 3000W. For shorter distances and around flat areas a 1200 to 2000W motor would suitable.

How big is the battery?
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The more power you need, the bigger the battery size will need. A bigger battery will drive a larger moped, but if you only require a 1200W moped you won’t need such a large battery.

Batteries tend to range from 48-72 Volts. The battery is measured in amps, the more amp hours your battery has, the more ‘gas’ you have in your tank. It is important to check that your battery will be big enough to go to all the places you want to go too.

How far can I go?
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A Voltrix Flii 3 moped has a 60km - 80km range but we have more models to come which will go further. Like a petrol tank, the moped can only run as long as there is enough energy in the battery, and it varies according to its use. The battery uses more energy to go up hills, and the battery is consumed more quickly when more weight is added to the moped. The range is based on the lowest speed setting on a flat level ground with a single rider. If you are cruising at 30kmh you will more likely get 80km compared to full throttle you range will reduce. The style of rider equates to the distance you can go.

How much will it cost me to fully charge?
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An estimated full charge will cost you around $1

What type of battery will my moped have?
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Voltrix mopeds use lithium batteries, lithium is the latest technology and will provide you with power for longer. It doesn’t matter how you charge your moped, topping up little and regularly won’t harm the battery (unlike traditional batteries). Always keep some charge in your battery to maximise its life, and don’t store it if it’s completely flat.

What should I look for when choosing a moped?
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The size of the moped. A lot of petrol mopeds are small and people can look too big or uncomfortable rider them. Two points to take into consideration are the type of brakes your moped should have, and the tyre size.
Motor size will make a difference if you want to carry more load or need to attack more hills.
Do you want to carry a passenger, look for a larger motor, foot pegs. 
The bigger the tyre, the more stability and grip you will have while riding. You will also get less wear on a larger tyre as it can travel more distance on one revolution of the wheel. Smaller tyres have to rotate faster to make the moped go the same speed as a larger tyre (wheel).

Look for a moped that has hydraulic disc brakes on both the front and the rear wheels. Disc brakes provide better stopping power than drum brakes.

How good will I feel riding a Voltrix moped?
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Do you like to be quick off the mark at the lights, then go electric.
These bikes are super quiet. Nipping down to the shops and parking for free… how does that make you feel?
Voltrix mopeds do not emit any CO2 or other emissions. The other huge benefit is that they don’t contribute to noise pollution. They are friendly on the environment and you are helping the planet. You will feel great.

What maintenance will I need to do?
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Because there is no mechanical engine, maintenance is minor. You will need to maintain the brakes, tyres and the battery. Regularly inspect your tyres for wear and tear and replace them once the tread is getting low. Brake pads will typically last around 4000km’s. Voltrix have a full range of spare parts so you will feel supported in your new purchase.